Privacy Policy

Effective Date: 1 January 2023

This privacy policy outlines the data handling practices for the website, owned and operated by Great Britain By Rail Ltd.

Information We Collect

Great Britain By Rail Ltd collects limited non-personally identifying information about users through services like Google Analytics and Microsoft Clarity. This includes data such as:

  • Pages visited
  • Links clicked
  • Referring site/traffic source
  • Location (country level only)
  • Device data like OS and browser type
  • Time spent on pages

This aggregated usage data helps us analyze traffic and usage patterns in order to improve the user experience. We do not collect any personally identifying information like names, emails, addresses, financial data, etc. There are no user accounts or registration on the site.

How We Use Collected Data

The non-personal data collected is used to:

  • Analyze overall site traffic statistics and page usage
  • Improve site experience and performance
  • Personalize content to be more relevant
  • Provide customized ads and offers that may be of interest
  • Detect bugs and errors with site functionality

Data collected through analytics services is anonymous. We do not attempt to identify individual users from this data. It is only used at an aggregate level to inform site improvements and personalized recommendations/offers.

We do not sell or share any analytics data collected with external third parties.

Third Party Services

We use reputable third party analytics services like Google Analytics and Microsoft Clarity to collect non-personal usage data. These services have their own privacy policies that govern data collection and handling practices. We make reasonable efforts to ensure outside analytics collection conforms with our own internal privacy practices and meets all legal requirements for data privacy and protection.

Users may optionally opt out of tracking by some third party services like Google Analytics by using the opt-out tools they provide. Third party opt-out options can be found in their respective privacy policies.

Affiliate Links and Advertising

This blog contains affiliate links and promoted products/services from third party vendors and sites. If you purchase an item through one of these links, we may receive commission from the vendor at no additional cost to you.

However, we do not receive any identifiable customer data from vendors when transactions are completed. The purchasing experience and handling of customer information is strictly through the vendor’s own site and systems.

We make reasonable efforts to only promote reputable vendors. However, we are not responsible for any vendor privacy policies or data practices. Please review their privacy disclosures carefully before providing personal information.

Changes to Privacy Policy

We may update this privacy policy from time to time. If significant changes are made that alter data usage, an additional notice will be posted. Your continued site usage signifies acceptance of the updated privacy policy. Please check back periodically for revisions.